Christ's Hands in Action

Sponsorship Responsibilities

Sponsorship is a vital part of the Tres Dias movement if the community is to grow spiritually and numerically. The only way a person may become a candidate is to be sponsored by someone that has already attended a Tres Dias weekend. Because sponsorship is a serious responsibility, the sponsor should seek God’s will and guidance through prayer as to whom to sponsor and be sensitive in approaching a potential candidate. As required for potential candidates, sponsors should be living a lifestyle becoming to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The sponsor helps prepare the candidate for the weekend, supports the candidate and their family during the weekend, and helps the candidate get the most benefit after the weekend.  Equally important, the sponsor will be holding the candidate up in prayer during the entire process. 

The Sponsor should recognize that a long-term commitment is being made to the Candidate by sending the Candidate to a Tres Dias weekend. The weekend will not produce a permanent effect without Fourth Day involvement, and therefore, the sponsor should ‘sponsor’ the prospective candidate through all phases of the Tres Dias movement, rather than just the weekend.  The Sponsor should help the new Pescador to live the 4th Day as it is presented on the weekend by encouraging the new Pescador to be an active and contributing member of a church body, by encouraging him/her to join or form a Reunion Group, attend Secuelas, and become involved in the local Secretariat. In general, the Sponsor should be responsive to the needs of a new Pescador until the Pescador is well established in the 4th Day.

As per the Essentials of Tres Dias, the candidate should:

  • be sponsored for participation in all phases of the Tres Dias movement, rather than just the Weekend
  • be sponsored by a member of a chartered Tres Dias community or a similar community approved by Tres Dias
  • have a desire for a closer relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
  • be accepted from all Christian denominations
  • be at least 21 years of age. However, if a local secretariat, using its best judgment finds a sound and compelling reason (such as the spouse of a Pescador or military personnel), it OCCASIONALLY, on a case-by-case basis, may accept a candidate who is at least 18 years of age.
  • have not previously made a Tres Dias weekend or a similar experience recognized as equivalent by Tres Dias.

IMPORTANT: In order for a candidate application to be approved, the following three items must be completed:

  • Candidate Application Submitted
  • Sponsor form for Candidate Submitted
  • Minimum $40 deposit towards Candidate Fee of $240 submitted by PayPal or Cash/Check and received by PreWeekend Committee.

Applications that have all of the above completed will receive a confirmation email that they have a spot on the weekend over applications that are missing any of these items regardless of the initial date of the candidate application. The effective date of an application is the date at which all of these items are completed.

Please only use the printed version of this form if you are not able to use the online version for some reason.  Using the online version will ensure we receive this information quicker and ensure that your candidate's application is approved in a more timely manner.